Monday 3 September 2012

Thanks a Bunch

A big thank you from Gran Prix Bicycles to all of you who make our Saturday morning group rides such a hit.

When I started here at Gran Prix Bicycles late last year I was told not to expect too much in the winter time, where group numbers would sometimes dwindle to one or two riders.

But here we are at the end of a particularly nasty Melbourne winter and the average number of riders braving the early morning starts is about a dozen. Add to that the ad hoc Sunday morning rides that break out from time to time when the weather cooperates and we have a nice uptake on morning rides.

Riders have come to rely on the fact that there will always be a group ready to ride at 7:00am. Whether it is a big group or small, there will always be someone to ride with.

We’re a friendly bunch - if someone gets a flat tyre we all stop so that they will not have to do the rest of the ride on their own. Newcomers are always gently brought into the fold. We don’t need anyone to prove themselves with a long turn on the front if they are not up to it.

We have some fantastic patrons. Matt Robinson, our GP Domestique, is number one. He is always there for a friendly chat or to show someone the ropes but also to stand up for us and give someone a good talking to if need be. You can read up on Matt's experience as a "M.A.M.I.L.", (Middle Aged Man In Lycra), on his blog here.

Another long standing stalwart of our group is Ned, equally consistent as Matt, rain hail or shine. Ned is a fantastic advocate for our group rides, getting his brothers to come along with us. Ned also invites some of his friends to come out and they all seem to have a great time, regularly coming back for more. 

One of the things that I love about working in the bicycle industry is getting to watch people becoming addicted to cycling. Being able to watch as a rider’s strength and confidence soars, inspires riders like me to keep the passion alive.

Again, I would like to extend a big thank you to all of you, including our regulars who keep our group ride going strong and I hope that it will only get bigger and better from here.

Come on out with us on Saturday mornings! It’d be great to see you there.

- Brad.

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